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Revisión del 16:42 20 jul 2023 de Acorletti (discusión | contribs.)
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3DES (triple DES, para criptografía)
A-BFT association beamforming training
A-BI awake beacon interval
AAD additional authentication data
AAI administratively assigned identifier
AC access category
ACI access category index
ACM admission control mandatory
ACU admission control unit
ADDBA add block acknowledgment
ADDTS add traffic stream
ADE AID with differential encoding
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
ADSs (Anomaly Detection Systems)
AEAD authenticated encryption with associated data
AES advanced encryption standard
AES-128-CMAC advanced encryption standard (with 128-bit key) cipher-based message
AFC automatic frequency control
AGC automatic gain control
AH (Authentication Header)
AID (Association Identity)
AID association identifier
AIFS arbitration interframe space
AIFSN arbitration interframe space number
AKM authentication and key management
AKMP authentication and key management protocol A-MPDU aggregate MAC protocol data unit
AMPE authenticated mesh peering exchange A-MSDU aggregate MAC service data unit
ANIPI average noise plus interference power indicator ANO access network options
ANPI average noise power indicator
ANQP access network query protocol
ANonce authenticator nonce
AP (Access Ponit)
AP access point
AP-CSN AP configuration sequence number
APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre) ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers)
APSD automatic power save delivery
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ARQ (Allowed to ReQuest)
AS (Áreas de Seguridad)
AS authentication server
ASEL antenna selection
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
ASRA additional step required for access
ATI announcement transmission interval
ATIM announcement traffic indication message
AV audio video
AWV antenna weight vector
Ack acknowledgment
AfriNIC (Africa Numbers Internet Community)
AuC (Authentication Center)
BA block acknowledgment
BAR block acknowledgment request
BAT block acknowledgment TWT
BC beam combining
BCC binary convolutional code
BCU basic channel unit
BDC (Backup Domain Controller)
BDT bidirectional TXOP
BER (Bit Error Rate)
BF beamforming
BG (Border Gateway)
BHI beacon header interval
BIA (Business Impact Analysis)
BIGTK beacon integrity group temporal key
BIGTKSA beacon integrity group temporal key security association
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)
BIP broadcast/multicast integrity protocol
BIPN BIGTK packet number
BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter)
BPN base packet number
BPSK binary phase shift keying
BRP beam refinement protocol
BRPIFS beam refinement protocol interframe space
BSA basic service area
BSC (Basic Station Controler)
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
BSS (Basic Station System)
BSS basic service set
BSSID basic service set identifier
BT bit time
BTI beacon transmission interval
BTS (Basic TransceiverStation)
BU bufferable unit
BW bandwidth
C3I (Comando, Control, Comunicaciones e Informática) CA (Autoridad de Certificación)
CA certificate authority
CAC centralized authentication controller (for access points) or controlled (for stations) CAG Common Advertisement Group
CAP controlled access phase
CAQ channel availability query
CBAP contention based access period
CBC (cifrado encadenado de bloques)
CBC cipher-block chaining
CBC-MAC cipher-block chaining message authentication code CBP contention based protocol
CCA clear channel assessment
CCK complementary code keying
CCMP CTR with CBC-MAC Protocol
CCSR centralized coordination service root
CCSS centralized coordination service set
CDMG China directional multi-gigabit
CEF channel estimation field
CF (Contention-Free)
CF contention free
CG (Charging gateway)
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
CID Company ID
CMMG China millimeter-wave multi-gigabit C-MPDU coded MPDU
CPD (Centro de Procesamiento de Datos)
CRC (Control de Redundancia Cíclica)
CRC cyclic redundancy code
CRL (Certificate Revocation List)
CS carrier sense
CSD cyclic shift diversity
CSI channel state information
CSM channel schedule management
CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance) CSMA/CD (Carrier Sence Multiple Access/Colition Detect)
CSMA/CA carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
CTR counter mode
CTS (Clear To Send)
CTS clear to send
CTS1 clear to send 1
CTS2 clear to send 2
CVS contact verification signal
CW contention window
D-BI doze beacon interval
DA destination address
DBC dynamic bandwidth control
DBPSK differential binary phase shift keying DCF distributed coordination function DCLA dc level adjustment
DCF (Función de coordinación distribuida)
DCF distributed coordination function
DCS dynamic channel selection
DEI drop eligibility indicator
DELBA delete block acknowledgment DELTS delete traffic stream
DES (Data Encryption Standard)
DFS dynamic frequency selection
DFT discrete Fourier transform
DIDS (Distributed Intrusion Detection System)
DIFS distributed (coordination function) interframe space DILS differentiated initial link setup
DL-MU-MIMO downlink multi-user multiple input, multiple output
DLTF Data Long Training field
DLL data link layer
DMG directional multi-gigabit
DMS directed multicast service
DMSID directed multicast service identifier
DMZ (zona desmilitarizada)
DN destination network
DO DFS owner
DQPSK differential quadrature phase shift keying
DR data rate
DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan)
DS (Distribution System)
DS distribution system
DSAF distribution system access function
DSCP differentiated services code point
DSE dynamic station enablement
DSM distribution system medium
DSS (Digital Standard Signature).
DSS distribution system service
DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)
DSSS direct sequence spread spectrum
DST daylight saving time
DTI data transfer interval
DTIM delivery traffic indication map
DTP (Data Transfer Process)
DoD (Departamento de Defensa de EEUU)
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol (IETF RFC 3748)
EAPOL Extensible Authentication Protocol over LANs (IEEE Std 802.1X-2010) EAP-RP EAP reauthentication protocol
EAS emergency alert system
EBR expedited bandwidth request
ECAPC extended centralized AP or PCP cluster
ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem)
ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement)
ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)
ECES (Elliptic Curve Encryption Scheme)
ECMQV (Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone Key Agreement)
ECNRA (Elliptic Curve Nyberg-Rueppel Signature Scheme with Appendix) EIFS (Extended IFS)
ECS extended channel switching
ED energy detection
EDCA enhanced distributed channel access
EDCAF enhanced distributed channel access function
EDT eastern daylight time
EHCC extended hyperbolic congruence code
EIFS extended interframe space
EIR (Equipment Identity Register)
EIRP equivalent isotropically radiated power
EL energy limited
ELI extended local identifier
ELTF Extension Long Training field
EOF end-of-frame
EOM end of multi-user
EOSP end of service period
EPD Ethertype Protocol Discrimination (IEEE Std 802) ERP extended rate PHY
ERP extended rate PHY
ERP-CCK extended rate PHY using CCK modulation ERP-DSSS extended rate PHY using DSSS modulation ERP-DSSS/CCK extended rate PHY using DSSS or CCK modulation ERP-OFDM extended rate PHY using OFDM modulation
ESA extended service area
ESP (Encapsulation Security Payload)
ESP estimated service parameters
ESR emergency services reachable
ESS (Extended Service Set)
ESS extended service set
ESSID (Extended SSID)
EST eastern standard time
ETD (Equipo Terminal de Datos)
EUI (Extended Unique Identifier)
EVM error vector magnitude
FAC (Final Assembly Code)
FCS (Frame Control Sequence)
FCS frame check sequence
FD FILS discovery
FD-AF full-duplex amplify-and-forward FEC forward error correction
FEC (Forward Error Control)
FER frame error ratio
FFC finite field cryptography
FFE finite field element
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)
FIFO first in first out
FILS fast initial link setup
FMS flexible multicast service
FMSID flexible multicast stream identifier FOV field of view
FNMT (Fábrica Nacional de Monedas y Timbres)
FSM finite state machine
FST fast session transfer
FSTS fast session transfer session
FT fast BSS transition
FTAA fast BSS transition authentication algorithm FTE fast BSS transition element
FTM fine timing measurement
FTO fast BSS transition originator
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
FW (Firewall)
GANN gate announcement
GAS generic advertisement service
GATS group addressed transmission service
GCM Galois/counter mode
GCMP Galois/Counter Mode Protocol
GCR groupcast with retries
GCR-A groupcast with retries active
GCR-SP groupcast with retries service period
GDB geolocation database
GDD geolocation database dependent
GEA (GPRS Encryption Algorithm)
GFSK Gaussian frequency shift key or keying
GGSN (Gateway GPRS Support Node)
GI guard interval
GID group identifier
GLK general link
GLK-GCR general link groupcast with retries
GMK group master key
GNSO (Generic Names Supporting Organization)
GNonce group nonce
GP grant period
GPL (General Public License)
GPRS (General Packet Radio System)
GPRS general packet radio service
GPS Global Positioning System
GQMF group addressed quality-of-service Management frame
GRE (General Routing Encapsulation)
GRX (GPRS Roaming Exchange)
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications u originariamente del portugués: Groupe Spécial Mobile)
GTK group temporal key
GTKSA group temporal key security association
GTP (GPRS Tunneling Protocol)
GnuPG o simplemente GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)
HC hybrid coordinator
HCC hyperbolic congruence code
HCCA HCF controlled channel access
HCF hybrid coordination function
HD-DF half-duplex decode-and-forward
HDLC (High Level Data Link Connection)
HDSL (High bit-rate DSL)
HEC (Header Error Check)
HEC header error check
HELD HTTP-enabled location delivery
HEMM HCCA, EDCA mixed mode
HESSID homogeneous extended service set identifier
HIDS (Host Intrusion Detection System)
HIPERLAN high-performance radio local area network
HLP higher layer protocol
HLR (Home Location Register)
HMAC-SHA1 (Hash Message Autentication-Secure Hash Standard Versión 1) HTTP (HiperText Transfer Protocol)
HPA high power amplifier
HR/DSSS high rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the long preamble and header
HR/DSSS/short high rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the optional short preamble and header mode
HT high-throughput
HT-GF-STF high-throughput Greenfield Short Training field HT-SIG high-throughput SIGNAL field
HT-STF high-throughput Short Training field HTTP hyptertext transfer protocol
HTC high-throughput control
HTTPS hyptertext transfer protocol secure HWMP hybrid wireless mesh protocol
I/Q in phase and quadrature
IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)
IBSS (Independent BSS)
IBSS independent basic service set
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)
ICK integrity check key
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol ICV integrity check value
IDFT inverse discrete Fourier transform
IDP (Intrusion Detection Prevention)
IDS (Intrusion Detection System)
IEC (Comisión Internacional de Electrotécnia)
IEEE (Instituto de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos)
IETF (Ineternet Engineering Task Force)
IFFT inverse Fast Fourier Transform
IFS (Interframe Space)
IFS interframe space
IGTK integrity group temporal key
IGTKSA integrity group temporal key security association IMp intermodulation protection
IIS (Internet Information Server)
IKE (Internet Key Exchange)
IMAP 4 (Internet Message Access Protocol Versión 4)
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
IMSI (International Mobile Suscriber Information) IPNG (IP Next Generation)
INonce initiator nonce
IPI idle power indicator
IPN IGTK packet number
IPS (Intrusión Prevention System)
IPv6 (IP versión 6) o IP Next Generation (IPNG) IR (InfraRed)
IQMF individually addressed quality-of-service Management frame ISM industrial, scientific, and medical
ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface)
ISECOM (Institute for Security and Open Methodologies)
ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical Band)
ISMS (Information Security Management System)
ISO (International Standard Organization)
ISP (Internet Service Provider: Proveedores de Servicio de Internet) IV (Vector de Inicialización)
ISS initiator sector sweep
IUT implementation under test
IV initialization vector
JTC 1 (Join Technical Committee No1).
JVM (máquina virtual Java)
KCK EAPOL-Key confirmation key
KDE key data encapsulation
KDF key derivation function
KEK EAPOL-Key encryption key
L-LTF non-HT Long Training field
L-SIG non-HT SIGNAL field
L-STF non-HT Short Training field
L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol)
LACNIC (Latin American and Caribean Internet Address Registry) LANE (LAN Emulation)
LAN local area network
LAP-M (Link Access Procedure - Modem)
LBIFS long beamforming interframe space
LCI location configuration information
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
LDPC low-density parity check
LFSR linear feedback shift register
LGR legendre symbol
LIN (Lawful Interception Node)
LIR (Registro local de Internet)
LMDS (Local Multipoint Distributed Signal)
LME layer management entity
LML (Licencias de Música Libre)
LNA low noise amplifier
LOPD (Ley Orgánica de Protección de datos)
LP low power
LPD LLC Protocol Discrimination (IEEE Std 802) LRC long retry count
LSB least significant bit
LTF Long Training field
LLC (Logical Link Control)
LLC logical link control
MAC (Medium access control)
MAC (código de autenticación de mensaje)
MAC medium access control
MAC_I initiator mac address
MAC_P peer mac address
MAD maximum away duration
MAF MCCA access fraction
MBCA mesh beacon collision avoidance
MBIFS medium beamforming interframe space
MBSS mesh basic service set
MCC (Mobile Country Code)
MCCA MCF controlled channel access
MCCAOP MCF controlled channel access opportunity
MCF mesh coordination function
MCS modulation and coding scheme
MD5 (Messge Digest Verión 5)
MDE Mobility Domain element
MDID mobility domain identifier
ME (Mobile Equipment)
MFB MCS feedback
MFPC management frame protection capable
MFPR management frame protection required
MFSI MCS feedback sequence identifier
MGTK mesh group temporal key
MIB (Managment Information Base)
MIB management information base
MIC message integrity code
MID multiple sector identifier
MIDC multiple sector identifier capture
MIME (Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions)
MIMO multiple input, multiple output
MIS media independent service
MLME MAC sublayer management entity
MLPP multi-level precedence and preemption
MM-SME multiple MAC station management entity
MME Management MIC element
MMPDU MAC management protocol data unit
MMS multiple MAC sublayers
MMSL multiple MAC sublayers link
MNC (Mobile Network Code)
MPDU MAC protocol data unit
MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching)
MPM mesh peering management
MRQ MCS request
MS (Mobile Station)
MS SAP method specific service access point
MSB most significant bit
MSDU MAC service data unit
MSGCF MAC state generic convergence function
MSI MRQ sequence identifier
MSIN (Mobile Suscriber Identity Number)
MSK master session key
MTA (Agente de transferencia de mensajes: message transfer agent) NAI (Network Associates Inc.)
MTK mesh temporal key
MU multi-user
MU-MIMO multi-user multiple input, multiple output
NAI network access identifier
NAPT (Network Address Port Translation)
NAS (Network Access Server)
NAS network access server
NASL (Nessus Attack Scripting Lenguaje)
NAT (Network Address Translation)
NAV (Network Allocation Vector)
NAV network allocation vector
NCC network channel control
NDIS (Network drivers Interface Standard)
NDP null data PPDU
NIC (Network Information Center)
NIC (Network Interface Card)
NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System)
NIR (Registro Nacional de Internet)
NMS (Network Managment Station)
NNTP: (Network News Transfer Protocol)
NSS number of spatial streams
NTP (Network Time Protocol)
NTP Network Time Protocol (IETF RFC 5905)
NVT (Network Virtual Terminal)
NetBIOS (Servicio Básico de Entradas y Salidas de red)
OBSS overlapping basic service set
OCB outside the context of a BSS
OCEF OFDM channel estimation field
OCI operating channel information
OCT on-channel tunneling
OCVC operating channel validation capable
ODI (Open Data Interface)
OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
OI organization identifier
OLB offset length bitmap
OSA (Open System Authentication)
OSI (Open System interconnection)
OSI Open Systems Interconnection (ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994)
OSSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual) OSVDB (Open Source Vulnerability DataBase)
OSTF OFDM short training field
OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier)
OUI Organizationally Unique Identifier
OpenVAS (Open Vulnerability Assessment System)
PAD preassociation discovery
PAE port access entity (IEEE Std 802.1X-2010)
PBAC protected block ack agreement capable
PBSS personal basic service set
PC (Personal Computer)
PC (Point Coordinator)
PCC (Proof-Carring Code)
PCF (Función de coordinación puntual)
PCN (Plan de Continuidad de Negocio)
PCP PBSS control point
PCPS PBSS control point service
PDC (controlador principal de dominio)
PDCA (Plan – Do – Check – Act)
PDP (Packet Data Protocol - Primary Domain Controller) PDU (Protocol Data Unit)
PDU protocol data unit
PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail)
PER packet error ratio
PERR path error
PFS perfect forward secrecy
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
PHB per-hop behavior
PHY physical layer
PHYCS PHY carrier sense
PHYED PHY energy detection
PI (Protocol Interpreter)
PICS protocol implementation conformance statement
PIFS priority interframe space
PIN (Personal Identification Number)
PKCS (Public-Key Cryptography Standards) PKI (Infraestructura de clave pública)
PKIX (para infraestructura de clave pública) PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) PLW (Physical Length Word)
PLME physical layer management entity
PLW PSDU length word
PMD (Physical Medium Depend)
PMK pairwise master key
PMK-R0 pairwise master key, first level
PMK-R1 pairwise master key, second level
PMKID pairwise master key identifier
PMKSA pairwise master key security association
PN packet number
PN pseudonoise (code sequence)
PNonce peer nonce
PON (Procedimientos Operativos Normales) POP (Post Office Protocol)
POS (Procedimiento Operativo de Seguridad) PRN (Plan de Recuperación de Desastres) PSF (Physical Signaling Rate)
PP A-MSDU payload protected aggregate MAC service data unit
PP polling period
PPDU PHY protocol data unit
PRAW periodic restricted access window
PREP path reply
PREQ path request
PRF pseudorandom function
PRNG pseudorandom number generator PS power save (mode)
PSAP public safety answering point PSDU PHY service data unit
PSF PHY Signaling field
PSK preshared key
PSM power save mode
PSMP power save multi-poll
PSMP-DTT power save multi-poll downlink transmission time PSMP-UTT power save multi-poll uplink transmission time PTI peer traffic indication
PTK pairwise transient key
PTKSA pairwise transient key security association PTP peer-to-peer
PV0 protocol version 0
PV1 protocol version 1
PWE password element of an ECC group
PXU proxy update
PXUC proxy update confirmation
QAB quieting adjacent BSS
QACM QMF access category mapping
QAM (Modulación en cuadratura de Fases con más de un nivel de amplitud). RAC (Registration Authority Commitee)
QAM quadrature amplitude modulation
QBPSK quadrature binary phase shift keying
QMF quality-of-service Management frame
QPSK quadrature phase shift keying
QSRC QoS STA retry count
QoS quality of service
R0KH PMK-R0 key holder in the Authenticator
R0KH-ID PMK-R0 key holder identifier in the Authenticator
R1KH PMK-R1 key holder in the Authenticator
R1KH-ID PMK-R1 key holder identifier in the Authenticator
RA receiver address or receiving station address
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server)
RADIUS remote authentication dial-in user service (IETF RFC 2865 [B33]) RANN root announcement
RADSL (Rate-Adaptive DSL)
RAND (Random Number)
RAV resource allocation vector
RAVs (Risk Análisis Values)
RAW restricted access window
RCPI received channel power indicator RD reverse direction
RDE RIC Data element
RDG reverse direction grant
RF radio frequency
RFC (Request For Commentaries)
RFC request for comments
RIC resource information container
RID response indication deferral
RIFS reduced interframe space
RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens - en Francés: "IP para redes Europeas") RIR (Registro Regional de Internet)
RLAN radio local area network
RLQP registered location query protocol
RLS relay link setup
RLSS registered location secure server
ROC relay operation type change
ROI (Retorno a la Inversión)
RPI receive power indicator
RPS RAW parameter set
RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Aldeman).
RSC receive sequence counter
RSN robust security network
RSNA robust security network association
RSNE Robust Security Network element
RSNI received signal-to-noise indicator
RSNXE Robust Security Network Extension element
RSPI receiver service period initiated
RSS responder sector sweep
RSSI receive signal strength indicator
RTS (Request To Send)
RTS request to send
RTT round trip time
RX receive or receiver
RXASSI receive antenna selection sounding indication
RXASSR receive antenna selection sounding request
RXSS receive sector sweep
RRB remote request broker
S-AP synchronization access point
S-APSD scheduled automatic power save delivery
S-MPDU single MAC protocol data unit
S-PCP synchronization PBSS control point
S0KH PMK-R0 key holder in the Supplicant
S0KH-ID PMK-R0 key holder identifier in the Supplicant
S1G sub 1 GHz
S1KH PMK-R1 key holder in the Supplicant
S1KH-ID PMK-R1 key holder identifier in the Supplicant
SA (Security Asociation)
SA Query security association query
SA source address
SAD (Security Associaton Database) SAM (Security Accounts Manager)
SAE simultaneous authentication of equals
SAI standard assigned identifier
SAP (Service Acces Point)
SAP service access point
SBBI small band beacon interval
SBIFS short beamforming interframe space
SC single carrier
SCA secondary channel above
SCB secondary channel below
SCE (Sistema de Cableado Estructurado) SDSL (Single-Line DSL)
SCEF single carrier channel estimation field
SCN no secondary channel
SCS stream classification service
SCSID stream classification service identifier
SDL specification and description language
SDU service data unit
SEMM SPCA-EDCA mixed mode
SET (Secure Electronic Translation)
SFD (Delimitador de inicio de trama)
SFD start frame delimiter
SGSI (Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad de la Información)
SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node)
SHA (Secure Hash Standard)
SHA-1 (Standard Hash Algorithm Versión 1)
SI service interval
SIC service information client
SID (identificadores de seguridad)
SID short identifier
SIFS (Short IFS)
SIFS short interframe space
SIM Card (Subscriber Identity Module - módulo de identificación del suscriptor)
SIR service information registry
SKEME (Secure Key Exchange Mechanism for Internet)
SLAP structured local address plan
SLRC station long retry count
SLS sector-level sweep
SM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical band)
SM spatial multiplexing
SMB (Server Message Block: Servidor de Bloques de Mensajes)
SME station management entity
SMT station management
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
SN sequence number
SNAP Sub-Network Access Protocol
SNMP (Single Network Monitor Protocol)
SNR (Serial Number)
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
SNonce supplicant nonce
SP service period
SPA supplicant address
SPCA service period channel access
SPD (Security Policy Database)
SPP A-MSDU signaling and payload protected aggregate MAC service data unit
SPR service period request
SPSH spatial sharing
SQ signal quality (PN code correlation strength)
SRC short retry count
SRES (Signed Responsed)
SS station service
SSH (Secure SHell - intérprete de comandos seguro)
SSID (Service Set identifiers)
SSID service set identifier
SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
SSP subscription service provider
SSPN subscription service provider network
SSRC station short retry count
SST subchannel selective transmission
SSW sector sweep
STA station
STACK short TWT acknowledgment
STBC space-time block coding
STF Short Training field
STS space-time stream
STT selective translation table
SU single-user
SU-MIMO single-user multiple input, multiple output
SYNC synchronization
SYNRA synthetic receiver address
TA transmitter address or transmitting station address TACK TWT acknowledgment
TAC (Type Aproval Code)
TAI Temps Atomique International (International Atomic Time) TBTT target beacon transmission time
TAP (Top Level Domain)
TC traffic category
TCLAS traffic classification
TCP (Transport Protocol Protocol)
TDDTI time division data transfer interval TDLS tunneled direct-link setup
TDI (Transport Driver Interface)
TFS traffic filtering service
TIA/EIA (Telecommunications Industy Association/Electronics Industry Association) TIM (Traffic Indication Map)
TID traffic identifier
TIE Timeout Interval element
TIM traffic indication map
TK temporal key
TKIP temporal key integrity protocol
TLD (Top Level Domain)
TLS (Transport Layer Security)
TLV type/length/value
TMPTT target measurement pilot transmission time TOA time of arrival
TOD time of departure
TPA transmission time-point adjustment
TPC transmit power control
TPKSA TDLS PeerKey security association
TPV (Terminal de Punto de Venta)
TRN-R receive training
TRN-T transmit training
TRQ training request
TS traffic stream
TSBTT target short beacon transmission time
TSC TKIP sequence counter
TSF (Función Sincronización de Tiempo) T_FTP (Trivial FTP)
TSF timing synchronization function
TSID traffic stream identifier
TSN transition security network
TSPEC traffic specification
TTAK TKIP-mixed transmitter address and key
TTL time to live
TTP trusted third party
TTTT target TIM transmission time
TU time unit
TVHT television very high throughput
TVWS television white spaces
TWT target wake time
TX transmit or transmitter
TXASSI transmit antenna selection sounding indication
TXASSR transmit antenna selection sounding request TXE transmit enable
TXOP transmission opportunity
TXSS transmit sector sweep
U-APSD unscheduled automatic power save delivery UCT unconditional transition
U-NII unlicensed national information infrastructure UP user priority
UA (Agente de usuario: user agent) UDP (User Datagram Protocol),
UESA unauthenticated emergency service accessible ULS Universal Licensing System
UIT-T (Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones - Sector Normalización de las Telecomunicaciones)
UKAS (United Kingdom Acreditation Service)
UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)
UPSIM unscheduled power save indication map
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier - Identificador Uniforme de Recurso)
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
URL Universal Resource Locator URN Uniform Resource Name
USM (User-Based Security Model)
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UTP (Unshield Twisted Pair)
VACM (View-Based Access Control Model: Modelo de Control de Accesos basado en Vistas)
VHT very high throughput
VLAN virtual local area network
VLR (Visitor Locator Register)
VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Segments)
VPN (Virtual Private Network o Red Privada Virtual)
VoIP voice over Internet Protocol (IP) WEP wired equivalent privacy WLAN wireless local area network
WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance)
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
WINS (Windows Internet Name Service)
WM wireless medium
WNM wireless network management WS wakeup schedule
WSM white space map
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access: Interoperabilidad mundial para acceso por microondas)
ZCZ zero correlation zone